Thursday 28 June 2012

Green Building

Van Dusen Botanical Gardens
Here we have the new reception centre at Van Dusen Botanical Gardens.
The building is rated very green (LEED Platinum). 
It features a green roof, grey water recycling, solar water heaters, photovoltaic panels, rammed earth walls, B.C.lumber and so on and so forth.
More importantly, it has a nice little café.

W. 37th and Oak St.


Andy said...

The shadow looks like a giant maple leaf. It's too bad we don't have enough green buildings.

s.c said...

Looks like a great one. Can you also show some interior shots.

Wayne said...

s.c., here are a couple of interior shots. Not great ones but ...

Paul in Powell River said...

From your title I was expecting a green coloured building, so I guess I'm not with the eco-times! Your second Flickr shot, above, I rather like.

Lowell said...

Terrific photograph! I like all the green stuff! And the cafe!

RedPat said...

Seems to have all the right priorities!

CaT said...

it looks interesting!

TheChieftess said...

Interesting architecture and eco friendly...what's not to like???