Wednesday, 27 June 2012


Back in photo class we had three studio sessions. 
This was one of many portraits I took in the last session.
I don't take much credit for the shots that actually came out OK.


Andy said...

Cool portrait.

Anonymous said...

Very good!

s.c said...

But you seem to learn a lot. Nice portrait Wayne

TheChieftess said...

I like it a lot Wayne!!! Love studio can't go wrong with the lighting!!!

Virginia said...

Oh come on!!! You surely know that this is an exceptional portrait. I'll never ever take one this fine.

Bob Crowe said...

Very strong portrait - classic split lighting. I've had some classes in this stuff but my house isn't big enough for any studio work.

Wayne said...

I'm in an apartment Bob. I could set something up but I don't know if I'll ever invest in the gear. There is just too much other stuff to spend money on. :-)

V, anyone can take a shot like this in photo class. Someone else sets up the lights and you bang off a couple of hundred shots. Et Voila!!!! I liken it to a room full of monkeys with typewriters eventually creating War and Peace. :-)

Thanks for all the comments.