Friday, 18 June 2010

East Van

The East Van sign was a secondary consideration when I happened on this sunset a few nights ago.


Virginia said...

I see your point. Gorgeous sunset with the cross to the right.

Unknown said...

A great photograph Wayne. Beautiful sunset with the sign.

Kim said...

Okay, I swear I've had nothing but coffee to drink, but I'm seeing a duck in flight in that dark cloud nearest the cross. This is beautiful. Love the lights of the car emerging from the deep silhouette of the skyline. Super colors--just gorgeous.

Jackie said...

That's a fantastic sky Wayne. I haven't seen a sunset like that in ages.

Wayne said...

Now that you mention it Kim…. :-)

I have a new 'loaner' camera these days. I'm worried about scratching it before I have to return it. I keep it wrapped in a cloth inside a bag in my backpack. This was another instance where I had to coerce myself into unpacking it to take a picture.

Thanks for the nice comments.

TheChieftess said...

I'm not so sure it's a duck Kim...maybe a roly poly little swallow or some such bird...but definitely a bird...can I have some of that coffee you're drinking???

Beautiful colors Wayne!!!

Virginia said...

That's a fat duck. I'm worried sick you're going to scratch that loaner for the record.