Monday, 2 March 2009

Reflected Sunset

From my balcony, I didn't even have to put my shoes on.

That didn't last long. I hope I've got a handle on this blogging thing and that in future I'll run it rather than have it running me.

Without the encouragement I have received from several people I would not be taking another stab at this. Thank you all. The prospect of being nagged into submission by Virginia couldn't be entirely disregarded either.

I've changed the name and plan to post occasional rather than daily photos. I'll stay with CDP until they figure out that I'm not posting often enough and give me the boot. 


Kim said...

Gorgeous light and colors. You had quite a sky show out your window. Raining, raining, raining here. I think I'm growing moss on my north face.

bARE-eYED sUN said...

good shot!

hey, i empathize with your sentiment: run the blog, not the other way around. :-0

there are only so many hours in the day and if the choice is to blog occasionally or not blog at all. . . . well, then, blog every blue moon will be it! :-)

*** hopefully you will share your views a little more often than i do. :-) ***

thank you for sharing, and keep on bloggin'


Hilda said...

This is a gorgeous photo! And I envy your balcony view!

I am so glad you're going to give blogging another go, Wayne. It's your blog, it's your life, you control it. At least, that's what I keep telling myself too ;)

Love the new title, by the way.

Virginia said...

YOU are a full time job, so when exactly am I suppose to find time to post daily??? HUM???? Well this photo is gorgeous and your header is too! I'd like to renegotiate my contract now.

Julie said...

looks beautiful

Anonymous said...

Here's your hat, what's your hurry?

You're back! (Or should I say, they're back?)

Debbie Courson Smith said...

I'll miss my daily dose of attitude from you, but I'll keep stalking for the tidbits.

trudy said...

Yay!!! So glad you & the beeeautiful photos of lovely Van are back!
Cannot believe my word today is 'botiest'..!
Just Krazy.


Anonymous said...

Wayne, I am so pleased you are back. I am happy to have the occasional post from you when they are such beauties like your new header and that view from your balcony taken at just the right time. You have a great eye for a good shot.

I think you are working out what many of us eventually come to realise, we control the blog!

You post your great pics when you have something to share and time to post it. You do know I'm sure that one can create a number of posts in one go and have them go live at predetermined intervals in the future allowing one to do a months posts or more in one sitting.

I'm just glad you're back.

Babzy.B said...

hey hey ! nice to see you back ;)

Sharon said...

WOW, what a view and what colors. And all from the comfort of home.

Hope said...

Wayne, I could have written your post. I have also been struggling with this blogging thing. I enjoy blogging, posting, and photography. But time is not my friend. I think so much of us struggle with this everyday. I am glad to hear you aren't quitting entirely, but will continue to post as you can. Your blog is wonderful and love you photos...but especially your writings and awesome sense of humour.

Best wishes...Hope in Knoxville

Laurie Allee said...


-K- said...

Well you certainly ended your sabbatical with big colorful bang, didn't you?

Jane Hards Photography said...

Glad you reconsidered. Who would want to miss this golden wonder. Abe. Old Man Lincoln told them months ago he was dipping out of the CDP and he's still on the roll, so keep ya gob(mouth) shut and just post.

Jill said...

Hi Wayne, was just passing through to catch up and saw your -30- post. So glad you decided to stick around. I would certainly miss you. I have to take days off and I don't get around visiting as much as I'd like-usually just pop in, enjoy and move on.