Tuesday 24 February 2009

The West End

West End Apartment Building

Most West End residents live in apartments, either as renters or owners. The neighbourhood is considered a model of high density livability. It's situated on a sort of peninsula. It takes 20 minutes or less to walk from English Bay on one side to Burrard Inlet on the other. Stanley Park is on the western tip. 

This is my final post. I find I'm spending too much time on the computer and I don't feel up to trying to find a Vancouver image to post every day. 

Thank you to all the folks who checked out the blog, to everyone who left kind comments and especially to V., if it hadn't been for her I probably would have packed it up before now. 


Hilda said...

Wayne! You're not serious are you? Oh please don't stop — you don't have to post every day or even go visiting if you want to lessen your time online. It would be such a loss if you stop completely. Your photos are wonderful and your sense of humor unmatchable! Please reconsider…

Virginia said...

You know how I feel about all this. As producer/mgr. I should have some clout around here. I am prepared to do 3 things to change your mind.
1. Bribery
2. Sweet Talk
3. Nagging (Be afraid, be very afraid) You really don't want to go here.

I would suggest caving AFTER the sweet talk, but that's up to you.

Anonymous said...

What, I'm going to be without the great Virginia/Wayne sparring? The closest I'll get to Tracy & Hepburn in my lifetime.

Enjoyed your tour of Vancouver very much Wayne.

Laurie Allee said...


I just love the way you see the world, and I enjoy looking at Vancouver through your lens.

I'm really going to miss you!

Anonymous said...

Oh Wayne I will miss my daily visits to Vancouver as seen by your eye. You know how I love Vancouver and it has been a pleasure to visit each day with you, but I do know what you mean regards time spent on the computer.

Thanks for your blog and I wish you all the best with reclaiming your life, post blog.

Ron Bloomquist said...

Well, beans!

There goes Vancouver, BC!

angela said...

What a pity! I've enjoyed seeing Vancouver through your eyes and I hope you'll be back after a break; I did. I found I actually missed it all.

Anonymous said...

Yes I hope you're back after a break too. I don't blame you though, it is tiring sometimes. Hope you recover some mojo :)

Thanks as well for all your comments on my blog, I've appreciated that a lot.

Babzy.B said...

That's a good last shot , thak u for showing us your beautiful city Vancouver ! Hope you will come back soon ;)

elsie said...

Not being in a position to "sweet talk or nag" I just want to express my appreciation for all the time you have spent AND humbly request that you not stop altogether. Your blog is a lovely addition to the general happiness and well being of the universe!!

postie said...

Thank you for your great shots. Take a break but please do come back and show us more in the future. It doesnt have to be a daily pic id even settle for once a week. God Bless

Martin MY said...

Come, come, stay with us, you have lots of fans here.

Julie ScottsdaleDailyPhoto.com said...

an interesting building indeed. Thank you for your photos and time to date sharing Vancouver. Take a break and maybe you will want to start again.

NancyN said...

Hey Wayne - ebjoyed your work - take a break and we hope you change your mind after a while - particularly enjoyed your yellow fascination. Good luck

trudy said...

No! No! No! I've been LOVIN' your photos/humor & Virginia sparring here in London UK. Pleeeeeease come back weekly if daily is too crazy... Hugs T x

-K- said...

Happy Trails!

Virginia said...

Well looky here! I like the new header and title, but I don't remember you running that by your producer/ manager buster!!! Well you're back and we're all happy now! Glad the "sweet talk" worked. Thank your lucky stars I didn't even have to go into Nag Mode.

Virginia said...

PS, Put that tree up next. It's fabulous and everyone will love it.

Sharon said...

Oh no, you will be so missed! Your photos are so beautiful and your comments make my day!

Kim said...

Wayne, say it isn't so!
I know this feeling, I have it frequently. Sometimes you just need your life back, especially if the screen is taking it over. I've given up trying to keep up with everyone else's daily posts and try to check in as I can. I guess taking the photos must mean a lot to me cuz I keep doing that part. But I do feel like the screen time takes too much out of me. Maybe it is a really healthy choice for you to do this. I don't know. I just know that you've been a big bright spot in our blogosphere and that I've loved visiting Vancouver on your blog. I hope all else is well with you. I've really enjoyed your point of view, warmth and humor! You're a peach, dude. Of course anyone who changes his avatar from Bullwinkle to Alfred E. Newman, and others in between, has won my heart already. Maybe you'll check in on a less frequent basis and pick it up again after a break. I do hope you poke your head in at some of your old CDP haunts. I always enjoy your thoughtful and witty comments.
Hey, hopefully you'll find out from the rest of us how much you are appreciated, much like the undead guy that walks into his own funeral and hears all the heartfelt testimonials. Hope you catch a fresh wind. Okay, I'll shut up now. . .
UR biggest fan in Seattle

Halcyon said...

Love that blue sky. Hope you keep on keeping on!

-K- said...

It seems as if you may have reconsidered and reconfigured. Hope that its true.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Er excuse me but did you see Babooshka's permission to take time out? No. Believe me I understand. If it wasn't for the fact that I am editing images business wise and already on the pc I too would call time out. Then again I live in Hicksville with cannabolist locals so it's a fairly safe passtime. As for images I have to be the most repetitious daily just as there is sod all here so I have to be a little creative/crafty. I'll miss your blog. I genuinely liked your images, some real stunners and dialogue that accompanied them, my style of humour. Don't be a stranger, and if you do get your mojo back your fan club(take a long hard look at these comments above) will be chomping at the bit to see "Wayne's World." We ARE worthy. Take care and at least spar with V if no one else. I love your two's chatter together.