Friday, 6 February 2009

New Brighton

On Tuesday I trekked down to New Brighton Park, a spot I haven't been in decades. My family always lived in East Vancouver and my parents took us to the park once or twice when I was quite young. We knew the park then as Windermere Pool as there is a swimming pool here.

This is an odd park in as much as it is not in or even very close to any residential areas. In fact it's bounded by various port facilities, the rail lines and Burrard Inlet. My suspicion is that many Vancouverites don't know where it is and would have some difficulty finding it if they were pointed in the right direction. 

The views from the park are quite spectacular and I'll show one or two more images from there this week.


Babzy.B said...

I love the reflection in the water ,wonderful, you have to enlarge the photo to appreciate :)

Guy D said...

Wow, impressive shot, I love the reflection.

Have a great weekend!
Regina In Pictures

Layrayski said...

Wow! This is a wonderful shot. Nice composition, colors and the reflection of the water is just great!

Anonymous said...

That's a really great shot Wayne. The reflection, the colours, everything about it!

Anonymous said...

I love a real honest to god port with freighters coming and going. My dad used to take us to the working side of Puget Sound. He could always find a Norwegian captain who would take us on board and show us around.

Laurie Allee said...

Oooooh, this is gorgeous. I love the graphic feel of it and all that pretty color. You took this from a park? What a cool view from a park!

Anonymous said...

Great pic of the docks at work.
I'm intrigued by the forgotten park and look forward to more pics.

Kim said...

Oh, well done, Mr. Wayne sir. This reflection pulled me right in from the thumbnail view. Was the pool still there/the way you remember it? Can't wait to see your other shots of the park.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Are you my poaching my renowned sensational reflection image. Now you are getting cocky, Knockout
shot. Where does the name New Brighton come from, nothing to do with the UK is it?

Wayne said...

Babs, I was afraid someone would ask about the name. Even though we knew it as Windermere Pool (another English reference) I gather it was always called New Brighton. Apparently perhaps even before Vancouver was incorporated this was a summer get away for folks from New Westminster, B.C.s first capital city. Considering the large number of immigrants from the UK I have little doubt this is a reference to The Brighton.

AH, Our granddad took us on many freighters when my brothers and I were kids. It was all very strange and awesome.

LA, This is a popular off-leash dog park. There is a soccer field there too so it may get fairly raucous at times but it was very peaceful the day I was there.

Kim, The pool is there. It was being used by ducks and Canada geese on my visit. Naturally, it seems smaller than when I was a kid.

Rob, Two more views coming up.

Guy, Stay warm in Regina.

Thanks for all your kind comments.

Jane Hards Photography said...

That annoying person to ask just had to be me didn't it. My Grandad was from the UK Brighton, hence the nosiness. Cheers for the feedback. Still a cracking shot.

Virginia said...

I'm a little late, but I love that fine red ship and the gorgeous reflection you caught. May we see more of this park??? Trés belle.

USelaine said...

This is a fascinating composition.

Hilda said...

That does sound like an odd place to put a park. But aren't you glad that you have it to yourself? :)