Tuesday, 18 February 2014


This little guy holds the door open at Lucky's Comics.
I've photographed him a few times but if I ever posted his pic it was years ago.


Stephanie said...

Cute, colorful.

hamilton said...

I was quite intrigued as I read your comment in my reader, to see just what he would look like. No disappointment here!

RedPat said...

Wonderful! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I heard today we have a clown shortage in the US. I didn't think that was such a bad thing.

Wayne said...

KB, at least you're keeping track of them.

Thanks for the comments. :-)

Bob Crowe said...

Love it. As Jon Stewart says on The Daily Show, your moment of zen.

TheChieftess said...

I know people who love em' and collect 'em...and people who hate 'em...and people who they actually scare...
Personally...I enjoy watching the at the circus...but don't put one in my house!!!