Monday, 9 September 2013


This is a shot I took in the cemetery some months back.


Sharon said...

That image says it all.

TheChieftess said...

That's sad....

Stephanie said...

Still beauty in a dying rosé.

hamilton said...

some people like dying roses. I am not one of them. still, it is very nicely done photo.

Barbara/myth maker said...

A lovely shot, but I wish I could've seen more of the stone, and could tell it was a cemetary without you having to tell me. (Hope you don't mind a little critique!)

Wayne said...

Barbara, I don't mind a little critique. But, this is a columbaria, there is no actual gravestone per se. I generally try to avoid including names on grave sites, especially when they are relatively recent. This usually requires a fairly tight cropping.

You have to take my word for it, it's a cemetery.:-)

Wayne said...

Thanks for the comments. I'll try to keep things more upbeat in future. :-)