Tuesday 25 December 2012


I wasn't alert enough to grab a sharp shot of Santa.
I was surprised as anyone to learn that he's wheeled around town in a Rolls. 
I suppose public transit is out of the question.

!!! Happy Holidays !!!


Andy said...

Wayne you have a sharper eye than me. This year I only spotted Santa at the mall. Merry Christmas!

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

Hope you're having a happy Christmas wherever you are. And beware of excesses, whether for food or drink.

s.c said...

Hai Wayne. As you can see on my posting there are also other means of transport possible on this day, but I admit that is oversea.

Revrunner said...

And the reindeer even look like they've been replaced by a chauffeur! :-)

Gunn said...

Happy Holidays to you too!:)
I guess Rudolf has got a day off....
He was very busy last night.

RedPat said...

Perfect! Merry Christmas, Wayne!

Lynne with an e said...

Good to know that Santa has a designated driver at his service.

Stephanie said...

Great one! Merry Christmas!

TheChieftess said...

Santa deserves a ride in the lap of luxury now and then!!!