Monday 24 December 2012

The Big Top

$$ Cirque $$
I saw a Cirque de Soleil show several years ago at the urging of friends.
Don't ask me which one, all the names are weird and immediately forgettable.
Siding solidly with the minority as usual, I disliked the show, a lot.
But the circus keeps coming to town to spite me.

Big Top
I'll give them this much, the make a really fine tent.


Andy said...

Not only do they keep coming to town but you keep on taking excellent night shots.

s.c said...

What great colors. Wonderful shots Wayne.

kwarkito said...

woaw ... magnifiques :-)

Stephanie said...

Stunning! I have seen a few, enjoyed them all however being in the audience, the seats are cramped, always a person or two are chatter boxes during the performances all through the show or a screaming kid in attendance. The last time my view was blocked by an over large head. My cousin who is the head nurse in one of the major hospital in Montreal, says she is very much anti cirque as she sees first hand the amount of injuries these performers get. You did capture the tents rather well.

Anonymous said...

Guess you agree with Woody Allen:

"Nietzsche had a theory of eternal recurrence. He said that the life we lived we’re gonna live over again the exact same way for eternity. Great. That means I’ll have to sit through the Ice Capades again."

TheChieftess said...

I've only seen a knock off of the Cirque, but I enjoyed it...Love the tents!!! Great shots!!! I especially like the second one...very unique...the cables make an interesting geometric/abstract contrast to the tent!!!

Wayne said...

I agree with Woody Allen on almost everything KB. :-)

Kathy, the knock offs would are cheaper and no less entertaining.

I'm glad I got that rant out of my system. I've been bottling that up for years. :-)

Thanks for the comments.

Taken For Granted said...

I see you don't have to like Cirque de Soleil to take great photos of their tents. Have a Merry Christmas.

Kim said...

Stunning night shots, Wayne. Those are some very swoopy tent tops.
I laughed out loud at Alta Dena Hiker's comment. Touché!

CaT said...

hahaha, funny
i think the circus is for kids..