Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Neo-Vancouver Special

The ubiquitous 'Vancouver Special'  was a house style built between '65 and '85.
If I were choosing I'd take the original version over these built quite recently.


Chrissy Brand said...

Great angle and a bold move to include so much sky- it works well. Agree that the "Vancouver Special" originals look more characterful but give these modern ones a decade to weather and bed in and they might be as attractive.

Andy said...

I agree with Chrissy. The angle of the shot changed everything. Instead of a plain photo of a Canadian cookie cutter subdivision you ended up with a photo with pizazz.

s.c said...

its mostly so that a remake is not as good as the original. It has perhaps something to do with the original designer who has exactly in mind what he wants and somebody who is copying have to think what the original designer thought and that is to much open for misinterpretations. ( And of course money and the labour situation these days)

Nellies said...

Love the angle Wayne! Great photo. Agree with you about the original version vs the new version. But they don't look TOO awful to me :-)

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

Interesting perspective. Thanks for sharing.

TheChieftess said...

Ditto, ditto, ditto!!! Love this shot Wayne!

And while I agree with you about the original vs the remakes, I do think this style far out classes the 80's, 90's and 00' styles in SoCal!!!

Vancouver Street Blog said...

A great shot. If you go to certain parts of the city there seems to be a new Vancouver Special being built on every block. The difference is that they now include lane houses as well.