Tuesday 12 June 2012

The A & N Boutique

The A & N
Army and Navy Department Store has been a Vancouver institution since 1919.
They did sell WWI surplus stuff back in the day but there is no military paraphernalia for sale now.

W. Hastings between Abbott and Carrall Sts.


Andy said...

Now I'm curious to know what's in the store.

Lynne with an e said...

I once saw Elvis and his family shopping there. It was in his chubby phase, with the white suit and cape. And oddly, no one was screaming or badgering him for autographs--that's just how very high-toned the A&N Boutique is.

Unknown said...


I used to work there. One year in the Toy Department during Christmas, then transferred to the Baby Department. They also used to buy out bankrupt stores, and I once went with the crew to snatch all the stuff. This was when Mary Kerr was the one in charge. She ruled with an iron fist.

The used to sell lots of brand name stuff, and my job was to cut all the labels off, imagine a cashmere sweater for $5. on the bargain table. You just had to know what you were buying.

I also used to have lunch next door at Save-On meats. they had a lunch counter run by Aime and her daughter.

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TheChieftess said...

That sounds more like our old Pic n Save!!! One of my favorite stores that no longer exists. I've frequented many an army/navy store down here and guess what...they've always had military paraphernalia... probably to satisfy the needs of all the crazy militias!!!

TheChieftess said...

ps...cool sign!!!

Kate said...

Very catchy sign!