Friday, 4 May 2012

In 1956 ...

... the Pacific Dogwood became B.C.'s provincial flower.
I was in Grade 2 and actually remember the teacher announcing this.
It must have been one of those rare moments when I was paying attention.

Pacific Dogwood


Andy said...

The tree looks lonely but it's a beaut. It's strange how one can remember something from 50 years ago but can't remember what we had for dinner yesterday.

Kate said...

This tree has a beautiful form.

TheChieftess said...

I love that you remember that!!!

Nellies said...

It is funny what we do remember from school after many years, haha. I like that you remembered this. Beautiful tree.
Have a great weekend Wayne.

Barbara/myth maker said...

Beautiful photos. I love dogwood.

Regina K said...

Beautiful dogwood. This is my favorite flowering tree. This spring in Kansas City was so warm the dogwoods bloomed and were gone in the blink of an eye.