Saturday, 7 April 2012

The Zen Of Cherry Blossoms

I'm focusing on focusing.
I'm not there yet.


Barbara/myth maker said...

Just a title, no picture! How Zen can you get? lol.

Wayne said...

Thanks for letting me know Barbara.

I previewed it last night and everything looked fine.

So far I'm not thrilled with Blogger's new format.

Paul in Powell River said...

Lots of cherry blossoms to practice on right now though! And believe me - cherry blossoms are a difficult subject to get right on.

RedPat said...

It looks beautiful Wayne!

TheChieftess said...

Lookin' good Wayne!!! I've been working on macro type shots and the bokeh background like you have's not easy and I think you've done a mighty fine job here!!! Those blossoms are beautiful!!

Wayne said...

Thanks Kathy. When I get a proper macro lens I'm going to try bugs. :-)

CaT said...

me neither, i dont like bloggers new format. went back to the olad again, actually, as i kept looking for stuff...

Barbara/myth maker said...

Hard to get that crispy focus sometimes. Still I like the softness of this, it fits the subject.
I'm not too fond of Blogger's changes, either. I hate when they fix things that aren't broken.