Friday, 6 April 2012

Up On The Roof

Washing Windows
I walked through the library concourse the other day.
50 or 60 ft. overhead I noticed the window washers at work.


Paul in Powell River said...

Nice catch! - and definitely not a job I'd be applying for.

Andy said...

It pays to look up Wayne. This is not a job that I would do.

s.c said...

Great job on both sides of the roof. Looks like the architect has thought about how to clean the roof. You would be amazed how many has not.

Wayne said...

You're right s.c. It is amazing how impractical some designs are for routine maintenance.

Thanks for the comments.

TheChieftess said...

Definitely not a job I'd want...but I'll bet the pay's pretty good!!!

RedPat said...

A brave person!

alex said...

don't throw stones.

great shot!

CaT said...

i once talked with a window-washer of the hospital i interned as a student. while my job was to sit behind the microscope taking pictures most of the day, his was the wash the windows. every day. and when the entire building was done, he started again from the beginning. year after year. i found the microscope quite a bit more interesting after that...