Sunday, 8 April 2012

Bao Bei

Bao Bei There is a resurgence in neon signage around Vancouver.
That's a good thing.
The restaurant has become very trendy too.

Keefer St., Chinatown


Andy said...

Nice shot Wayne. The sign reflection in the window looks great.

Paul in Powell River said...

Powell River has an ordinance I think - no neon. Don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

alex said...


TheChieftess said...

I rather like neon in the right place!!! This looks like the right place!!!

RedPat said...

I agree - I love good neon!

Unknown said...


I keep getting "bonked". I tried to upload ONE photo, the status bar went to the right, then it Bonked. I also tried the basic uploader, and it failed too

I am giving up again, something is wrong, but what ? I have been trying since last year

Riding the Wet Coast

Anonymous said...

This ain't no dive.