Monday, 26 March 2012


While out for a stroll yesterday I happened upon a sale of movie props.
The warehouse is being vacated and I presume no reasonable offer was refused.

As enticing as some items were, I don't need more 'stuff'.
Not even a pirate flag.


s.c said...

Looks like a lot of fun to have a peek over there.

Andy said...

Wayne thanks for mentioning that there is a pirate flag in you photo. I never noticed.

Taken For Granted said...

How could you pass up the train, or the '28-'29 Model A Ford truck? That's cool stuff. Great photos.

Nellies said...

I am not sure if I could have left without buying anything, haha.
Great photos! And yes, thanks for mentioning that pirate flag, I had missed that completely...

TheChieftess said...

I had a neighbor once who had mannequins in her front window...she dressed the window for the season!!!

RedPat said...

Not even a nice silver train?

Virginia said...

oh you bought HER and we all know it! :)

Elettra said...

I have a house full of stuff, but I can not get rid of it, are fond of all my old memories!