Sunday, 25 March 2012

Station #2

Pacific Central
This may be somewhat over-exposed but I haven't been back to take another crack at it.

By the way:

I'm enjoying reading this book. It offers practical advice to creating better images.
David duChemin lives in Vancouver. I haven't met him.
I also have his book Vision Mongers but haven't got into that yet.


Andy said...

Excellent night shot Wayne. I have added your book recommendation to my Amazon wish list. I also notice that there are a number of other books by David duChemin. My favourite photography book is "Understanding Exposure" by Bryan Peterson.

Paul in Powell River said...

Very nice Wayne, I like this shot.

I'll add your book to my list.

RedPat said...

Looks like a good book to read! I like station #1 the best.

Linda said...

Great night shot!

TheChieftess said...

Your photography keeps getting better and better Wayne!!! I'll have to put this book on my list!!!

@Andy...I also have Understanding Exposure!!! Good book!!!