Saturday, 10 December 2011


Bean Around The World on Hastings offers a front row seat to all sorts of goings on.
This guy was really into his Discman. 
Apparently Discmans still exist.

W. Hastings st Cambie St.


Andy said...

That's exactly the pose I would take if a snake was coming up behind me.

Kate said...

Either groovin' or stepping in some doggie doo!

alex said...

haven't seen one of those devices in awhile.

Virginia said...

Maybe he was into a little somthing else too! :)

Josy said...

Haha! Great capture!

I know I always struggle to contain my dance moves in public. It's understandable that some people might not fight it!

Bob Crowe said...

Ministry of Silly Walks?

CaT said...

at first i thought this was boston!
interesting pose..

Babzy.B said...

fun capture ! :)

Chrissy Brand said...

How retro! A good photo though.

Chrissy at Manchester: a photo a day at Mancunian Wave

TheChieftess said...

Definitely got the groove thing goin'!!!

Great capture Wayne!!!