Monday, 4 October 2010

Corn Brooms

Seen at the recently opened Granville Island Broom Co.


Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Beautifully crafted brooms. The background blue sets off the texture and details well. It almost looks like all the brooms were behaving until a few of them got restless and decided to dance!

Have a good week,

Virginia said...

I think those two are flirting with each other. "Love in Broom" ??
sorry, I couldn't help myself.

Jack said...

Nice attention to small details. This photo works.

TheChieftess said...

I REALLY like this one Wayne!!! And when I read Genie's comment, I thought it fit exactly!!! I'm having visions of Disney's Fantasia dancing brooms in my head!!!
(and I love the Love in Broom, V!)

Bob Crowe said...

Damn that's a good photo. Line, texture, color, and it reminds me of the beginning of Disney's Sorcerer's Apprentice.

Unknown said...

The brooms are fantastic and so is your composition! The whole thing looks like african art and I love it.

Stefan Jansson said...


Babzy.B said...

i'd like one of these !!

Andy said...

Did you happen to get a photo of the ladies with the pointed hats that were standing near by? Very good photo!