Saturday, 11 September 2010


There are coyotes in the cemetery but I've only seen them twice.

The first time I didn't get a decent picture.

I saw one of these guys across from my apartment around midnight recently.

Update: now I see coyotes all the time. Two days ago there were 3 of them together.


jennyfreckles said...

Urgh, they look really creepy - especially in a cemetery. Are they dangerous?

TheChieftess said...

Definitely to cats and small dogs...

My stepson and his family were out in their yard one day with their Shitsu puppy...a coyote jumped the fence and took off with the puppy, right in front of them all...Tom, being the dad, and the manly man that he is, took off after it...with his little girls screaming, Daddy get Dooner!!! The coyote did not let go, but Tom kept running even though he knew it was a lost cause....he just couldn't stop with his little girls watching...until the coyote and Dooner were long gone...

Wayne said...

Kathy has it right Jenny.

A couple of years ago we seemed to have some stories about them becoming more aggressive. There have been incidents of them nipping small kids.

I wouldn't want to run into one in a dark alley. But I'm a wuss.

Virginia said...

Apparently there are two that live up behind my neighbors in the woods across the street and they sashay down between their houses and take a stroll down the street every night. Gives me the creeps.

Leeds daily photo said...

No wolves or coyotes here in Yorkshire, which I think is a pity. Just foxes and I have not seen one of those since I started my Leeds daily photo, although I spoke with someone a week or so back and he says they hang out in his garden. Urban foxes have been getting a bad press here in UK last few weeks. We have built houses all over their territory so now some are urban!