Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Copper Topped

The Hotel Vancouver reflected in the Burrard Building


Anonymous said...

A nice reflected view of a Vancouver landmark.

Unknown said...

Great reflections of a beautiful building Wayne.

TheChieftess said...

Oooooh!!! Verrry Cool!!! Love the juxtaposition of the old copper roof to the new mirrored building...(how's that for a big word???) (does that make me sound smart or what???)

Wayne said...

I'm awestruck Kathryn.

Virginia said...

I"m gobsmacked!

Virginia said...

I'm waiting on the Fed Ex guy to show up with that TIffany box, W. :)

Wayne said...

I'd never trust a FedEx guy with such an important package V. I mailed it.

Virginia said...

Oooohhhhh goody. I can hardly wait, W! Perhaps it will arrive by Christmas!!!