Wednesday, 14 April 2010

'Art' Imitates Nature

I have nothing to add


Unknown said...

Great photograph Wayne.
A photo of the truck with the mountains.. against the mountains in the background..

Unknown said...


drats, the mountain got in the way again

Wet Coast Scootin

Virginia said...

Now I get it!

TheChieftess said...

I love this!!! What a great capture...definitely a right time at the right moment...this is one that a good ad person would take great pains to set up!!! (How much did you pay the driver of the truck???)

Kim said...

Oh man! A perfect moment and capture like this comes around only once every few years. Kudos, kudos, kudos. I want a print of this one! Congrats! You must have been so pleased.

Tash said...

Glad it was a Canadian Springs water truck and not Sparkletts :)
superb photo in every way - esp. with the National sign.

Chuck Pefley said...

Very nicely done, Wayne!