Tuesday 13 April 2010

HONK! Fest West III

Here, for no particular reason and in no particular order, are some shots from HONK! Fest West III

devo of the Carnival Band and one of the girls from the Minor Mishap Marching Band

Eddie of the Carnival Band

The clarinet player from Minor Mishap sat in with the Carnival Band at a bar gig.

Marc and his new (90 years old) Helicon


Virginia said...

Lord Have Mercy!

Anonymous said...

You're life is one long Doo-Dah parade. How come y'all haven't marched in that one yet?

Wayne said...

Karin, the Doo Dah would probably be great for us. But we need help when we travel. Usually the organizers give us some money to defray travel costs and most band members are billeted.

HONK! in Boston and Seattle are highly organized. There is always plenty of food provided as well.

But spread the word, you never know when we might come to your town :-)

If you go to the Carnival Band blog you'll see a couple of recent videos, one features CB. And at the very end there is a mercifully short shot of me.


TheChieftess said...

The DooDah parade definitely came to mind!!! Aren't we humans a funny lot???

Love the pic of Marc and his treasure!!!

Kim said...

Looking good in your white tails and new hat there, Wayne. Your shots capture all the fun of the music and the dancing the street. All that high energy wrapped up into one big weekend festival. . .looks like a blast!

Wayne said...

You saw that pic did you Kim.

There is a very good reason some of us stay on the other side of the camera :-)