Saturday, 23 May 2009


The All British Field Meet (yesterday's post) is held one day a year at VanDusen Gardens.

Admission to the car show included admission to the gardens but by the time I'd looked at all the cars I was knackered. These tulips were about all I saw of the plantings.

More cars from the ABFM can be viewed here.


Virginia said...

Well those are some gorgeous tulips. Glad you weren't too "knackered" ( one of those Canadian words??) to get this shot of them. I'm not sure I've ever seen any that opened up like these do. Beautiful!


PS I've added knackered to my vast vocabulary. I'm thinking after our flight to Paris, I'll be saying it a lot!!!

Virginia said...

Hey, your Picasa album is terrific. You got some outstanding car shots there W! Whoooeeee. I have no clue how to do that but maybe you'll teach me.

Debbie Courson Smith said...

They're impressive tulips.

Laurie Allee said...

Knackered is my new favorite word. I've been pretty knackered lately -- thus, I'm behind on catching up on your blog!

Love these posies. But must go see more vintage cars!!!