Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Yaletown Park

Apparently this is what passes for a park in Yaletown.

This is a relatively new space I guess. At least I never noticed it before. 

Lawns tend to be bad for the environment but I'd prefer to see a park with a little vegetation. 

Once the pavers are covered with green algae (everything in Vancouver gets covered in the stuff) it may be more inviting. 


Kim said...

I like this photo a lot. That bold line sure pulls the eye forward. Really great!

Babzy.B said...

Nice angle ;)

Virginia said...

Perfect timing waiting for that fellow to step across that line. Kim's right , it does draw the eye. For a minute you overlook the chunks of concrete laying there. You're right, not too inviting. So will the algae have everyone slipping and sliding all over the park? That should make for some humorous photos!

istanbuldailyphoto said...

I hope that guy is going to drink coffee. A comfortable, quiet and calm. In such a mind needs to rest. Greetings.

Victor said...

Great timing on this one Wayne. Bravo!

Jane Hards Photography said...

I will trade you some grey pavement (sidewalk) for lots off grass. I mean the walk on variety, don't panic. Top notch shooting, I mean capture in case anyone thinks I'm a gun totting pothead.

~Cheryl said...

This isn't an April Fools' joke, is it? We missed this park, but saw the one with a skinny waterfall.

Jill said...

Love the photo Wayne. I could PS in a 'yellow brick road' for you!