Thursday, 19 March 2009


This shot, from the Vertigo series, was taken last August but for some reason or other I never posted it. The building is known as 200 Granville Square and it sits next to Canada Place on the waterfront.

Vertigo is probably induced by looking down from heights but it's a cool word so I'm using it anyway. 


Virginia said...

Cool shot W. You made me woozy right off the bat! Looking up it really does look like a honeycomb. You have some nice buildings up there in Lotusville.

Lois said...

Nice shot! I can't look at it too long though because it makes me a little unsteady!

Anonymous said...

Can someone fall up?

Anonymous said...

Fun shot there Wayne. Love the way it plays with the eye.

~Cheryl said...

Whew. Made me feel a little Daffy!