Wednesday, 25 March 2009


Yesterday I trudged along to the Vancouver Archives. 

I've been there before but had never made use of the 'faciliites' until yesterday. The orange tiles, right out of the '70s, were a little jarring.

Sorry, I don't know the colour of the tiles in the Ladies. 

I'm thinking there may be potential for a series on Vancouver's 'public conveniences'.


Halcyon said...

I personally like the color! Maybe you could get a volunteer to help with the ladies. Or wear a wig. ;)

istanbuldailyphoto said...

Colors look great.

Virginia said...

I'm thinking i hope no other gents were in there at the time! They might not have bought the "Daily Photo" alibi! ha

Anonymous said...

Goodness me, I hope you weren't caught on CCTV!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Whole new meaning to taking the p"ss.

~Cheryl said...

Well, um.... Thank you for sharing! And thanks for leaving the rest to my imagination.

Laurie Allee said...

I LOVE this.