Wow, even more great shots. There is a distinct Doo Dah Parade vibe here. I love it.
Chuck form Seattle top shot. All I'm saying. This event is a great idea. so glad you captured it and the rinky dink camera ghas done a fine job. Remember not the size of the lens but what you can do with it! Got it.
I like the compo of the second capture very much.
let's hope all this media attention will get them somewhere
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Wow, even more great shots. There is a distinct Doo Dah Parade vibe here. I love it.
Chuck form Seattle top shot. All I'm saying. This event is a great idea. so glad you captured it and the rinky dink camera ghas done a fine job. Remember not the size of the lens but what you can do with it! Got it.
I like the compo of the second capture very much.
let's hope all this media attention will get them somewhere
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