Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Poverty Olympics, part 2

A few more shots from the Poverty Olympics held last Sunday afternoon. 

Hastings and Main and the Carnegie Library

The Carnival Band on the move

The end of the parade at the Japanese Hall where the event continued indoors.


Laurie Allee said...

Wow, even more great shots. There is a distinct Doo Dah Parade vibe here. I love it.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Chuck form Seattle top shot. All I'm saying. This event is a great idea. so glad you captured it and the rinky dink camera ghas done a fine job. Remember not the size of the lens but what you can do with it! Got it.

PinkPanthress said...

I like the compo of the second capture very much.

Ineke said...

let's hope all this media attention will get them somewhere