Monday, 9 February 2009

Media Event

On Sunday community groups on the Downtown Eastside held the Poverty Olympics. The purpose was to focus attention on homelessness and the deplorable state of much of the available accommodation in the neighbourhood. It is a constant struggle to get sufficient government support to address the issues but apparently it's no problem for various levels of government to come up with billions of dollars for a multitude of projects connected to the 2010 Winter Olympics. 

I went along to watch the fun and hear The Carnival Band. Naturally one aim of the event was to draw media attention. It did. 

I use a dinky Panasonic camera that I carry on my belt so I was sort of intimidated by so many honking big cameras and lenses.

Sorry for posting so many pics. I liked them equally well. 

Last one. A few more shots from the event tomorrow and then we'll move on. To what, I really don't know.


Babzy.B said...

Wow all these big cameras !!! i would like one !!!!

Jim Klenke said...

I often feel like a small fish when I see others with such big cameras. Nice shots.

Virginia said...

The guy in the red and white outfit with the dinky camera must be you! Do I detect some camera envy???Awww now, you know size doesn't matter-heee

Jill said...

I know what you mean about camera intimadation. Loved all your shots though.

Anonymous said...

It's not the size that counts, but the quality of the pics and yours are very pleasing.

I like to see real life event pics and it's good to read that folks are trying to help those who need it in their community.

Laurie Allee said...

What a great event for a worthy cause. I LOVE your shots of it. Dinky camera? Bah! It's not the size of the camera it's the... oh, never mind, I see Virg has already thought of this joke...

Jane Hards Photography said...

It is not the size of the lens but what you can do with it.

PinkPanthress said...

I have to second that... nice equipment they all have, but I also think that your Camera is ok, after all you give use crisp, fine shots, right? :)