Friday 23 January 2009

Fog Warning

Sunday at Granville Island started out with blue skies but a marine fog rolled in and things turned chilly.

The ferries do a brisk business on the weekends even in winter. At least when it's sunny.


Guy D said...

Wow that is an outstanding shot!

Regina In Pictures

Virginia said...

You can actually see it rolling in! That's amazing. Well for someone from B'ham it is, for you it's another day in paradise!

Walker said...

Love your pictures of the waterfront.

Debbie Courson Smith said...

Wow - it's coming right at you!

Laurie Allee said...

THat's as spooky as the smoke monster on LOST! Very cool shot, WW.

Bob Crowe said...

But from the photo it still looks like a nearly perfect Vancouver winter day, connecting the sky, the sea and the city. Rotate a little bit, pull in the mountains to the north, and you've got it all.

Anonymous said...

That's a great shot just catching the fog rolling in to consume all in it's path.

USelaine said...

It looks like a smoke plume rising up through the bridge. I wonder if there's some thermal mechanism going on there.

Babzy.B said...

you teally need to enlarge the photo , the bridge is great wrap up in the fog !

Jane Hards Photography said...

Looks good to be, but then harbour shots do. That's not scar fog, It's lightweight to my eerie island stufs. Dead bodies turn up in that.