Thursday, 22 January 2009

Cute Ferries

Two ferry companies, Aquabus and False Creek Ferries operate between Granville Island and various other points along False Creek. Each company has it's own docks.  

Both firms have been in business for years and are a clear indicator of how popular water transport can be. Vancouver, in my opinion, is really under-served by transport between points that can be reached by water. 

These ferries aren't just used by tourists, lots of people use them daily to get to work. 


alice said...

On the portal, I thought they are toys!

magiceye said...

makes for a pretty picture!

Pat said...

Toy boat, toy boat! I think these are adorable, and would love to take one to work or ride just for fun.

Hilda said...

Aww, they are so cute!

Babzy.B said...

Nice boats , pretty cool to take a ferry to go to work, or whaterver more pleasant than buses ;)

Debbie Courson Smith said...

Those are cute water taxis.

Chuck Pefley said...

Yeah, I love those little water bugs. Had no idea there were two companies providing service nor that they had separate docks. Has the fog cleared up your way yet?

Virginia said...

I rest my case.

THe first thing I thought when I opened your post was
"CUTE!" They look like little rubber boats. Nice reflection too!

Your producer/manager (who is always right)

Anonymous said...

I love the little ferries and use them often when in Vancouver. You are right though, there could be way more use of the waterways as transport routes.

Laurie Allee said...

I love these! Vancouver is such a whimsical city with all those weird glass buildings in the skyline -- these boats fit right in.

Unknown said...

This shot is really cool! The cute ferries look like toys and the reflection on the still water is great!

Lori said...

I remember those! They are cute and that's such a beautiful photo. I would love to take one to work every day!

Anonymous said...

Does a music box play Three Blind Mice when you open the door? Will they float in the bathtub? Can they hold my earring collection?

Janet Kincaid said...

Trippy little boats. They're almost cartoonish.

Wayne said...

Thanks everyone.

Chuck, the weather people say we are into day 18 of fog. According to the records we had a longer stretch, 25 days I think, in 1985. We're supposed to be done with it very soon.

USelaine said...

Sweet!!! The curvy roundness just pushes my gah-gah sweet button!!!

Walker said...

So cute, next time I totally taking the ferry across.

postie said...

Yes they are very cute and fun to ride. We have them in Victoria too. I find as a local they are a bit expensive especially as you state to ride to work. You can catch a taxi or bus a lot cheaper to work than these, especially if its more than one person. But Yes nice to see and ride for a change. I guess id like to see them cheaper so I could justify riding them more.

Wayne said...

Thanks for stopping by postie.

They are expensive. Regulars buy monthly passes for about $50.00. In December each year there is a sale on tickets which is a very good deal. I'm still using tickets I bought about at the sale five years ago.