Wednesday, 31 December 2008

The Marine Building

All the best in 2009!

Let's take a break from the snow.

Some time ago I posted a mirrored view of the Marine building.  Chuck and Sharon had seen the building in person and possibly others have as well. 

Back in October I walked by and took these detail shots. Frankly, all the ornamentation in the entry needs a good cleaning. I happened to bump into the chief engineer, who I know, but didn't think to give him a hard time about the dirt. 

If I knew how to display these shots in a more compact manner I would, but I don't so I can't.


Copenhagen said...

Happy New Year!

Shutterup-Shutterbug said...

This is a cool building. Nice shots. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Great set of pictures. You posted them, I saw them, don't need to be to fancy. Happy New Year.

Mo said...

Love the detail of this building even if it is in need of a clean. happy New Year.

Virginia said...

Nice details on this one. What are they made of? I think we have a building here with similar. Peter showed some stunning ones in Paris that were ceramic I think. Any chance that our two cities have anything resembling something in Paris??? Nah!

Debbie Courson Smith said...

Happy New Year to you Wayne!!!!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Fine detailing and series of images.

Have a very Happy New Year.

Ham said...

Detail is fantastic! Happy & healthy New Year wishes from London

Pat said...

Hi, Wayne! Happy New Year! I think this is a neat building, and I'd like to see it, since I missed it on my trip to V a couple of years ago.

Laurie Allee said...

GOrgeous shot, Wayne.

Happy new year!

abc said...

Beautiful details. Odd, but interesting perspective in the top one. Had to look twice before figuring it out. Happy New Year Wayne!

USelaine said...

Each image is spectacular! I especially like the viking ship as I have Danish sailors in my ancestry. Happy New Year, Wayne!

PJ said...

All of the enlargements were spectacular but, oh my!, the dirt is extreme. Somebody needs to get busy!

• Eliane • said...

Happy New Year! Bonne année! :)

Jannie Funster said...

How did they ever build that?? And the domes from 500 years ago?

Chuck Pefley said...

Wayne, I like this angle looking up from inside the archway.

Perusing your last several posts I see you've had your share and more of the lovely white stuff. Thanks so much for your forecast of imminent rain. Frankly I'm ready for spring. :)

Happy New Year to you!