Tuesday, 4 November 2008


This is what remains of a much larger group of ship building and ship repair outfits located for years along this section of the North Arm of the Fraser River.

As far as I know these buildings are slated for demolition eventually. Some people live here and others have studios of one kind or another. I didn't find anyone to talk to and I ventured into to the property fully aware of 'private property' signs. 

So much of the history of British Columbia is connected with the river that it is absolutely inconceivable to me that these landmarks would be torn down so a few well heeled people can have a riverfront home.

The land is owned by the Musqueam First Nation and they have decided to develop it. 

Celtic is gone now 


Virginia said...

Wayne, the intrepid trespasser risks life and limb to bring us the latest Demo Disaster. I certainly understand. Years ago some idiots decided to demo our gorgeous train terminal!!!! For the love!
PS My word ver. is widesses. I thought it said wideasses and was just about to let you have it!HA

Anonymous said...

I'm interested by the various names. When I first came to Scotland I stayed with friends in East Kilbride (to the southeast of Glasgow) and where they were every road had a Canadian name - Montreal, Alberta, you name it - and I lived in Fraser River Tower. I wonder who was responsible for that, whether the local planners had a homesick Canadian among their numbers.

I agree with you, it's really sad to see part of an area's history knocked down to make room for a few riverside condos.

Chuck Pefley said...

Progress, of course. And monetary gain, of course. History? Nah, that's just old stuff! We need (want) new.

Christina S said...

It should be made into a heritage centre, in an ideal world, with ship building displays and workshops there. Or at the very least, somehow incorporated into the new building work.

Jackie, I think the homesick for Canada town planner got around a bit. My grandparents lived on the Canadian Estate in Leeds - they lived on Vancouver Place! http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&q=Vancouver%20Place&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl (Some names only show up when you zoom in to the max here)