Wednesday, 5 November 2008


McCleery Golf Course is one of four, cute huh?, four, fore!. Never mind. 

McCleery is a city run public course. The other three are private courses. I don't play golf and I'll save my opinion of the game for another day. That sentence alone was probably enough to alienate dozens of people. 

That, for now, is the end of our Southlands tour. But not without a tractor pic and an old wagon just for Boise Diva.


Laurie Allee said...

I've never understood the appeal of golf, either. Other than the pretty courses -- this is a beauty.

Loving the wagon and tractor, too!

Virginia said...

WEll hush my mouth! I have been eyeing the country club course that runs alongside where I walk and trying to figure out the best angle. You beat me to the punch. This is lovely and that great rail fence just makes it. Are you on John Deere's payroll? Huh?

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

Ooh the colors are very pretty in the first photo!
-My blog

Rob said...

What you need to understand is that golf is a drinking man's game. Not sure how this helps, but it does.

Wayne said...


V. If I could get them to send me $20.00 bucks every time I typed that I'd find a tractor pic to post every day.

DL. I think I see my problem. If I have more than two glasses of wine I would a) fall asleep, or b) start to babble. People I've known who golf have been obsessive about it. Maybe that's good, I'm just not the obsessive type. Except when it come to tractors.


Thanks for the comments guys.

Jane Hards Photography said...

I'm definitely a non golfer but I do like a good pun. ot to be more tractors tahn people round my way, so you could persue your fetish. W all have our little secrets, but tractors!

Debbie Courson Smith said...

Hi Wayne - thanks for the wagon with wheels attached! It's definitely tractor season, too, I see 'em every day. I prefer to see them in the fields, I get a big grouchy when I have to follow

Jill said...

This would be such a nice park if you could get rid of the golfers. Miles of walking paths, a few well-placed benches and picnic tables. Very nice shot. The split rail fence adds so much to the view.