Wednesday 12 November 2008

Pick A Peck Of Petered Pepples.......

Fall is winding down, or has wound down, but this draft post was cluttering up my posts file so I'm going to use it in spite of the anticipated grumbling from the audience. Never fear, once fall is gone it will be photos of gray skies and wet streets until June. Wait until you see the month-long umbrella and gumboot exhibition I'm working on.

As many peppers as you can get into a bag for $4.00. Seemed like a good deal.

This was taken Oct. 23. It's a whole new weather ball game now and the Farmer's Markets will move indoors until next year.


Virginia said...

Gorgeous peppers. Here we would pay almost $4 for one of those organge ones. Yum!

Benjamin Madison said...

Nice photo and a splendid excuse for a non-current photo post. I plan to use it soon although I will first have to clutter up my dashboard with a few "drafts."

Laurie Allee said...

WOw, what a cheerful image. Don't worry Wayne, we'll love your rainy gray shots, too. You just have a way with presenting things... you could make paint drying funny and interesting.

Did you buy any of these peppers or just immortalize them in a great photo?

Jill said...

Yes, love the color before the gray. Umbrellas and gumboots, sounds like a NW fashion shop is on the way??

angela said...

I would just love to have bought from this stall...Gala apples, peppers and apple cider vinegar. Yum.

Debbie Courson Smith said...

No grumbles from me. I appreciate a shot of color because the non-colorful season has invaded.

Christina S said...

Wanna eat stuffed peppers! Wanna eatem now!