Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Heads In The Clouds

The idea was to get a shot of the banners on Georgia St. to add to my archives for possible future use. 

However, I noticed that the, yet unfinished, Shangri-La at 61 floors tall, was shrouded in cloud. Since condos in Shangri-La are 'up there' in more ways than one I found this more than a little amusing. Our TV news recently reported that a local gangster, shot dead by other gangsters, had paid $5,000.000.00 for a condo in the Shangri-La. The top floor penthouse reputedly sold for $17,000,000.00. I wonder how many days each year there will be no view to view. 

I don't see the attraction, there are numerous addresses in Vancouver, on the water or otherwise, with awesome views which wouldn't require a 61 floor elevator ride just to pick up a newspaper. I know if I lived on the top floor I'd get to the lobby and remember I'd forgotten my wallet, a lot.

I think what's held me back all these years is the fact that I've never learned to think like a billionaire. Or a gangster.


Laurie Allee said...

But have you learned to think like an award-winning photo blogger? You'd better do just that because I included you in the "Blogging Friends Forever" Award.

You can check out my blog for details. But all fluff and cyber hugs aside -- thanks for your great blog. I can't imagine a day without it.

Anonymous said...

I think what's held me back is that I've never *been* a billionaire or a gangster!

Thanks for this Wayne - telling it like it is, as usual!

Virginia said...

Oh I so hear you. I got to the walking trail yesterday and had the IPOD but no.....earphones. My cell phone? That's the family joke. Where's Mom's cell phone???? In the car -dead or in the kitchen charging, but not with her when she needs it. I hate the darn things so much I think I might do it intentionally.
Wayne, personally I am glad you don't think like a gangster, but wish you were a billionaire! Heee

And Cheers on your Award from Laurie!! Whooo eeeee

Guy D said...

I love this pic, great shot and thanks for sharing.


ps...I added your great blog to my 'followers' list.

b.c. said...

nice shot, i like seeing city shots like this,