Thursday, 23 October 2008

Queen Elizabeth I

Or, The Last of the Tudors. Tudor is all fine and dandy but I suspect too much exposure can be harmful. This will be the last for some time. 

As kids we always pointed this house out whenever the family drove past. The house was built in 1941. There are two similar houses in Metro Vancouver by the same builder. The roof is shingles cleverly installed to resemble thatch. It's worthwhile biggerising this one. 

So, is this a 67 year old roof? Who could replicate it if it became necessary? I always have more questions than answers. 

I thought about Photoshopping in a bunch of palm trees but the whole 'Tudor House With Palm Trees' thing has been done already. To great and well deserved acclaim I hasten to add. 


Chuck Pefley said...

Wayne, that's an incredible roof on that house, and well worth pointing out to everyone you know :)

Lori said...

Amazing! I had to enlarge the picture to check out that roof. I'm not sure how they created it. It must be something to see in person!

Mo said...

It's kind of crying out for a few people in tudor dress isn't it. Maybe a few foxes as well. As you lots of questions. Who built it?

Sharon said...

This is an amazing littl house. That roof is a wonder. I can't imagine who would replace it today if necessary. The word enchanted comes to mind when looking at this photo.

Christina S said...

I think when the roof needs replacing, it'll have to be done with gingerbread. And a few lollipops could be planted in the garden.

It does look very story book-y!

Virginia said...

Ruby is right! gingerbread, lollipops the works!THis is so darn cute I could just jump through the monitor and start snapping photos. Let's worry about roofers tomorrow.

Benjamin Madison said...

Just advertise for a part hobbit shingle artist.

Kitty said...

wow. The larger photo shows that roof off very well.

It's a bit nuts, I have to say. I've seen similar roofs in photos. I think they repaired the chimney and didn't have the money to match the stone. If the rest of the chimney had been in stone, it'd be a little better.

Great find!

Wayne said...

Kitty, the house is on the A or B heritage list which makes me think there could be restrictions against alterations. I noticed the chimneys and figured it was part of the whimsy of the design.

I should add that any concerns about alterations don't seem to apply to the back of the house as there is a second level addition shooting out the back.

Jill said...

Wayne, that is one serious roofing job! Is it cedar shakes??

Wayne said...

Hi Jill, I would say they are Duroid (Ashphalt) shingles just because they appear to be so flexible. Whatever they are it took many times the number it would take to do a normal roof.