Sunday, 26 October 2008

Fall Colour

Nothing spooky to see here folks. This one is for the incomparable Virginia who is not as creeped out by cemeteries as she lets on.


Sharon said...

That tree is gorgeous.

Ken Mac said...

To Wayne the consummate gentleman: beautiful colors, angle and shadows! Only wish it were bigger!

Ken said...

Nice shot Wayne. As I look out the window today most of our leaves are on the ground.

Wayne said...

Ken M, if only I had a nickel for every time I've heard that one. That should put paid to the 'gentleman' notion.

I often have grief trying to upload from my Pictures file to Blogger. If it won't work or takes forever I go to plan B which is to transfer it to Picasa and copy the address. Plan B always works but the pics are not biggerisable and I often feel the image is not as good as the original. Which happens to be an extremely useful excuse if one is not a very good photographer in the first place.

However!, I just tried to upload the pic again and it worked in jig time and is now biggerisable (I forget who to credit for this great word, Ming maybe). And if I say so myself it is worth taking the trouble to do just that.

Thanks for the kick in the pants Ken.

Virginia said...

I was so taken aback by your silver tongue that I almost overlooked the cemetery lurking in the background. KM 's right , bigger is usually better. I wish I knew how to do that. Maybe you two would be willing to offer suggestions! :) This is when email comes in so handy. No facial expressions to read. See ya!

Jill said...

This reminds me that I have took wonderful photos in cemeteries when I was looking for graves of relatives in Ohio. They are a good place for autumn photos as they are usually well-kept and have lovely trees around. I'll have to take a walk...hmm, this might make a good subject for a theme day.

Wayne said...

KenM, did you get the feeling V. was batting her eyelashes as she wrote that?

Virginia said...

Well maybe!HA I am sorry that your conversation with KM got me off the track. That gorgeous yellow tree is spectacular!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Now that's just too gorgeous. I never put the big shot on. People nick them and sell them on.

Dido said...

Hi Wayne!

I have awarded your blog a "Fabulous Fall" award, for your arty leaves pics! Come and visit Edinburgh DP to pick it up and pass it on!


Laurie Allee said...

You are really outdoing yourself these days, Wayne. This is a wonderful shot. And you and Virginia are cracking me up.