Saturday, 3 January 2009

Another #@!! Snowy Mountain Scene

The View To The North From Cambie and 33rd as I head downtown.


abc said...

Not a bad view at all!

Sharon said...

Gorgeous mountains.

Virginia said...

welll move those *^%& trees so I can get a look at that fabulous mountain!!!

Laurie Allee said...

Well #@!! if that isn't the prettiest view I've ever seen!

Laurie Allee said...

I see Virg and I are thinking alike again...

Anonymous said...

Gosh it is pretty; love your city, been twice, coming back, maybe in winter.

Wayne said...

V. In fact, the trees on the Cambie boulevard are some kind of protected heritage site. It's a mess right now because of subway construction but it's very pretty in better weather without the construction.

LA, Most people who find themselves thinking like V. are too embarrassed to admit it. Good on you for having the courage to admit it publicly.

Shutterup-Shutterbug said...

God, that's beautiful. I love the clouds. I have got to get my butt up there to visit. You're making it awfully tempting with your photos.

Destitute Rebel said...

This is a beautiful view, what a great shot.

Anonymous said...

Stunning view as always. Do I detect a little frustration at the snow?

Bob Crowe said...

This shows some of the reason why everyone who has been to Vancouver loves it. Except you don't normally get this much snow, do you?

Wayne said...

Bob, you're right. As of today I believe we are breaking historical records. It's been snowing all day, heavily at times. I think the weather office expected that it would have stopped before now.

It's supposed to rain tomorrow and I'm dreading it.

Outhouse Capital of Canada said...

I just found your blog, I used to live near Vancouver but now live in Oliver.
I will visit again.

le chat said...

Lived in Cambie and 62nd for a few years. A drop of snow would send the downtown heading drivers #@!! panicking. I don't know what they do with the piles we have now. I miss that section of Cambie very much, sometimes with the Canada geese over my head, they fied so low that i was sure they paid attention for the traffic lights too. Oh, all those #@!! beautiful trees and #@!! gorgeous mountain view. lechat

le chat said...

ouch #@!!, misspelled the flied.

Babzy.B said...

Wow the mountain are wonderful !

Unknown said...

What a fantastic background!
Your previous photos are just great! Well done, Wayne!

Virginia said...

You're breaking historical records that I haven't come up there and strangled you yet!