Sunday, 1 December 2013

Somewhere In England (or Scotland)

Anyone would think I'd have a little information to accompany these old images.
It was taken in Great Britain.
That's a little information and all I can be sure of without resorting to the dreaded 'in-depth research'.

That was the post the way I drafted it a couple of months ago.
I thought this might have been York and I thought the shot might be taken from my B&B.
But I wouldn't have bet any of my own money on it.
It is York, the steeple is the Catholic church across from the Minster and I was on the city wall when I took this.
The mystery probably took me 5 minutes (my upper limit for in-depth research) to solve using Google Maps.


cath carbone said...

Merci pour ce partage ! superbe post, j'aime beaucoup tes publications.
Bon dimanche-
Thank you for this sharing. I like very much your publications.
Have a nice day- Cath.

Kate said...

Ilike the shapes and lines in this photo.

Stephanie said...

I like the textures and lines in this shot.

Bob Crowe said...

Ya gotta like green roofs.

TheChieftess said...

Impressive research!!!