Tuesday, 17 December 2013


There are two trains daily between Seattle and Vancouver.
The problem with the early one is ... it's early, 0740 hrs.
The problem with the later one is there always seems to be time to kill before it leaves.
This trip I opted for the late train and wandered aimlessly near the station for a while.
While wandering I got this grainy hand-held shot that seems to have turned out better than I had expected.
I didn't expect it to turn out at all.


cath carbone said...

Very nice post! wonderful photos! Have a nice day!

Revrunner said...

Your last two shots have been quintessential Seattle.

RedPat said...

Fabulous shot!

Stephanie said...

I agree, very nice shot!

Bob Crowe said...

Turned out very well. I have a friend whose small law firm used to be in the Smith Tower on the left. Then the owner decided it was cool and trendy. My friend and his partners were priced out of the building.

Wayne said...

Bob, it will always be a Seattle landmark. It's not hard to see that it might not be the best real estate investment in the city. :-) I know someone (possibly the owners) lived in the pyramid section at the top. I don't know if that's still the case.

Thanks for the comments. :-)

TheChieftess said...

Ohhh...I like this!!!