... but Seattleites still seem to be nuts for Starbucks.
There are 'buckies everywhere but I was surprised at how busy some of their stores* here are.
It's not like there aren't oodles of independent coffee shops.
It's not like there aren't oodles of independent coffee shops.
Just the idea of a 'Christmas Blend' (and other niggles) was enough to drive me away for good years ago.**
* other places are called coffee shops, Starbucks has 'stores'. Bad sign.
** unless there are no other options**
** Tim Horton's and Dunkin' Donuts are not options
This is really a neat photo Wayne. PS: I stand by my Timmies.
Sounds like a business opportunity. If I knew anything at all about coffee, I might give it a shot. :-)
A cafe owner once told me that customers are
"crazy" to pay what we do for coffee since it costs them about 5 cents to make a cup of java. I think he has something there!!
Andy, I knew you would. :-)
Rev, I think the market, around here at least, might be saturated. :-)
Kate, there's got to be something to that. Otherwise how to explain a Starbucks on every corner?
Thanks for the comments
Great image!
I've never seen the appeal of Starbuck's bitter taste. It took a long time to convince my friends that McDonald's has a very good cup of coffee.
Great photo!
Great shot with wonderful bokeh.
I prefer the small Chock Full O Nuts shop a block away from me. Never liked the taste of Starbucks coffee.
I think they have opened at least one Starbuck in Sweden now. The horror. I will stay at my local cafe.
i dont get it either. the netherlands get more and more of these shops as well. while we have so many good options....
Good marketing...the "in" spot to be...lot's of space to compute in high visibility...
I didn't start drinking coffee until I hit my mid forties...(Ok...I admit it...I'm no longer '39)
I stopped at a little independent coffee spot in the morning 'cause I needed something to eat on my way to work. I was living alone at the time and I was so taken with the owner's smile, chit chat and "have a nice day"
that I kept stopping back...I found I went as much for someone to wish me a good day in the morning as for a great cup of coffee!!! I mentioned to her that I liked her coffee so much better than Starbucks...she mentioned that Starbucks basically burns their beans!!! I'll drink Starbucks now...but I much prefer the independent spots!!! A fellow blogger roasts some great coffees at Holy Cow coffee!!! San Francisco daily photo!!!
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