Friday, 13 December 2013

Color TV ...

Westerner Motel
... but no pool.
On vacation as kids 'no pool' was pretty much a deal-breaker.
Not that we had the final say.

N. Interstate Ave., Portland, OR


Andy said...

Wayne I think this sign is older than you and I put together. The Royal York is one of the most expensive hotels in Toronto... it has no pool.

Revrunner said...

Oo! Awesome! Direct dial phone! :-)

Kate said...

I think I'd pass on this place; doesn't look too promising.

Stephanie said...

Great signs!

TheChieftess said...

Ah but at least you can watch color tv while talking on the phone all the while staying cool in the air conditioning!!!

RedPat said...

I always wanted a pool when I was a kid too!

hamilton said...

It has a vacancy, though!