Thursday, 21 November 2013

Surveying The Scene

I Spy
I don't go out with the idea of finding shots like this but they pop up with a certain regularity.


Andy said...

I don't know why but I feel some humour coming from this photo. The only thing missing is the periscope. Wayne you right about these scenes coming to you rather than you searching for them.

Kate said...

A photo of concentration.

Unknown said...


I think you were drawn to that Hat

Riding the Wet Coast

Stephanie said...

The patterns in the shirt kinda matches the pattern in the bottom bridge. Very creative and a good eye to capture this.

Bob Crowe said...

Looks like the captain of a submarine at the periscope in an old movie.

cath carbone said...

j'aime bien cette photo, c'est original!

TheChieftess said...

You've got a great eye for these shots!!!