Wednesday 20 November 2013

Hot Off The Presses

The stuff I fill up this blog with isn't always current but this shot is as recent as it's going to get around here.
Yesterday was the first time I noticed a noticeable amount of snow on the hills.
And it's dropping below 0ยบ C down here at sea level too.


Revrunner said...


Stefan Jansson said...

Magnificent scene.

Stephanie said...

Very nice one!

Gunn said...

Keep warm.

Looks similar to what the season is like over here,
- in Stavanger.

(Stavanger Daily Photo is also on fb.)

Unknown said...

What a beautiful view.

~ Ali at Scituate Daily Photo

Unknown said...


-2°c this morning. Hands frozen from scraping my windows

Riding the Wet Coast

hamilton said...

It looks beautiful. shame it has to come with the cold.

cath carbone said...

c'est une magnifique photo, la profondeur de champ du paysage, c'est magnifique !