Monday, 16 September 2013


Makes doing laundry sound like fun.
It's amazing that the sign and launderette or, if you prefer, laundromat have lasted so long.


Revrunner said...

Like you would have to be a member of the real laundromat cognoscenti to know what Moffat Equipped means.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it does sound exciting. Out here we have Launderland.

-K- said...

Fascinating sign - the design, the font, the extremely rusted posts, all of it!

Stephanie said...

cute sign.

TheChieftess said...

Ah!!! If only there were Moffat equipped launderama's down here...maybe I wouldn't have spent all that money on those darned machines in our house!!!

TheChieftess said...

Nice banner...very fall-ish!!!

Wayne said...

Now you're all caught up Kathy. :-)

I have no clue what's up with my absent photo. It used to show up in those 'Follower' thingies. Maybe it's because I refuse to join Google+. You never want to piss off Google. :-)

TheChieftess said...

I don't think that's it Wayne....I refuse to join Google + too!!!

CaT said...

i also wonder what moffat equipped means!!
im glad not to have to go to a launderama...

Wayne said...

CaT, Moffat is a brand, like Miele. I don't think they exist any more.