Saturday 27 July 2013

Three Tome Zones Later

As I write this I've only been settled in Montreal for about 4 hours.
But on a short walk around downtown I came across a peaceful protest for Egyptian democracy.
The scene could be just about anywhere including Vancouver so you'll have to take my word for it, I'm in Montreal.


s.c said...

If I hadn't read your comment I should say that that is an indian in a kind of war color.

Stefan Jansson said...

One hundred people killed in Egypt last night. Horrible.

TheChieftess said...

I was thinking the same thing as s.c.! I thought he was a Canadian Native protesting...

And I totally agree with Stefan...I feel so blessed to have been born here in the States...regardless of all the political garbage that goes on!!!

Stephanie said...

Interesting shot! Enjoy Montreal! How's your French?

RedPat said...

It's a very small world these days. Enjoy your trip, Wayne. Not much humidity here in Toronto for your visit!

Wayne said...

Stephanie, French? :-)

Pat, I'd say the weather here is about the same as it was in Vancouver when I left. In fact there is some rain in the forecast here over the next few days.

Stephanie said...

Just curious, as folks in Montreal appreciates any kind of effort to speak French before you speak English. Or has that changed? I have not visited Montreal in five years. I grew up in Montreal.

Wayne said...

Stephanie, I think it used to be different, French was a much greater asset when I first visited Montreal. I can muddle along in rudimentary French and can read about 1/3 of the signs, But I never 'have' to speak French to get along. It's not like visiting France. However, in Quebec outside of MTL I think it's another story.

Andy said...

I'm with the other comments. Looks more like a Mohawk to me.