Tuesday, 23 July 2013

North To Alaska

North To Alaska
Whenever I go to Canada Place I tell myself I'm not going to bother taking more dumb cruise ship shots.
But I still take them.
It's pitiful.

It turns out this image (or some version of it) should be in The Georgia Straight this week.


Andy said...

Not so dumb to me or the editor of The Georgia Straight.

Revrunner said...

Well, it's a very good image from an unusual angle.

hamilton said...

That is why we keep taking more and more shots! Someone will eventually sit up and take notice. Well Done.

Stephanie said...

Pretty good shot!

John Evans said...

Cruise ships are cool. I'll pause in what I'm doing to get a look at one passing along the Admiralty Inlet -- even it's the same one I've seen a dozen times before.

Gunn said...

I like the way you photographed "her".
I see some here in Stavanger, and they are huge!!:)

Stefan Jansson said...

I'm sure the poet in Livorno will approve of this photo.

Virginia said...

What's old hat to you, is new and fresh to us W. Keep on.